Business Strategy

January 31, 2023Experience start
February 3, 2023Contact your company through Riipen
February 10, 2023Consulting Company Report Contract - submitted to Firm and on Bb
March 8, 2023In-Progress Draft - 4,000 word minimum submitted to Firm and on Bb
April 17, 2023Presentations to Companies - submitted to Firm and on Bb
April 28, 2023Final Report of Company, PowerPoint used for company presentation (previous deliverable)
April 28, 2023Experience end
January 31, 2023Experience start
February 3, 2023Contact your company through Riipen
Last day to introduce yourselves to your companies and begin planning the project.
February 10, 2023Consulting Company Report Contract - submitted to Firm and on Bb
Before beginning your research, you will need to get approval for your plan of action. You will create a draft of a contract outlining your course of action, why you chose to proceed in such a way, and your plans for completing the assignment.
March 8, 2023In-Progress Draft - 4,000 word minimum submitted to Firm and on Bb
Incorporate research & summary actions gathered to this point. Grade depends upon: (1) accurate incorporation of concepts applied to firm, (2) detail of implementing concepts toward discovering issues, creating strategies, & implementing tactics, & (3) client’s satisfaction of the draft.
April 17, 2023Presentations to Companies - submitted to Firm and on Bb
Date and time decided by company during week of April 16, 2023. The presentation will be 23-25 minutes, and it will focus on deep development of a decision‐making process in order to create a strategic plan for the organization. Must apply relevant concepts/models learned throughout the course.
April 28, 2023Final Report of Company, PowerPoint used for company presentation (previous deliverable)
Final 7,500-word minimum report w/ references, figures, & tables submitted to company. Evaluation criteria: Logical flow & discussion of ideas, integration of theory, clarity of presentation, overall quality of the report, and client evaluation of results. In addition: PPT used for presentation.
April 28, 2023Experience end
Experience scope
Market research Competitive analysis Market expansion Product or service launch Sales strategySkills
business strategy digital marketing competitive analysis marketing strategy researchThe course is centered on the theme that a company achieves sustained success if and only if its managers effectively formulate and implement an astute strategy. Students learn how and why doing a good job of strategy formulation, and strategy implementation produces good business performance.
Using the tools available to them throughout their MBA program, groups will work with a live company and generate a final presentation and report for them at the end of the semester. A major purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for graduate-level students to use their critical thinking, presentation and writing skills to adequately and accurately analyze macro factors affecting an industry, micro factors impacting the firm, and successfully communicate the issues, goals, strategies, and tactics in writing.
Each group will be assigned a company project to work with throughout the semester. Companies face idiosyncratic issues, and they will need the groups knowledge and support to address those issues and create strategies and recommendations to solve them. The group will begin working with their client starting in the first few weeks of class. Because your team will be communicating directly with the organization throughout the semester, the team leader should serve as the liaison with the company.
Deliverables are:
1. The first deliverable is a completed contract. The students will submit this contract to the professor and client to get approval for their plan of action. They will create a draft of a contract outlining their course of action, why they chose to proceed in such a way, and their plans for completing the assignment. Questions to answer:
- 1. Describe the company you will be working with and with whom you will be communicating.
- 2. Describe your team’s makeup: Who will be the leader? What roles do the other members of the team have?
- 3. Describe the specifics of the project that the company is asking you to complete. This should not be a “cut-and-paste” of the project description. Instead, write what your team understands from talking to the client (this should be as detailed as possible).
- 4. What is the ultimate goal that the company would like to accomplish through this project? (e.g., Increase sales, have a business plan, build a new product or service, etc.)
- 5. Spell out how your team will help them accomplish the goal.
- 6. List the obstacles your team will have to overcome in order to achieve this goal.
- 7. Identify what you need to do in order to reach the goal.
- 8. Develop a plan of action to achieve this goal. In essence, what are the steps that you will take throughout the semester to incrementally work on the project?
- 9. Put a date on it, in terms of when you expect to accomplish each of the steps listed above.
2. The second deliverable is a 4,000-word minimum, in-progress report with at least 15 references. There are two parts to this submission:
- 1. First, the mid-term report must be submitted on Blackboard before class on the due date.
- 2. Second, the mid-term report must be submitted to the company representative for approval.
This in-progress report should incorporate the research gathered up to this point. The grade depends upon the thoroughness of the report, which includes: (1) the accurate incorporation of the concepts discussed in class as the apply to your firm, (2) detail of implementation of these concepts toward discovering issues, creating strategies, and implementing tactics, (3) the number of references, (4) the degree to which you follow the APA style guide, and (5) the client’s satisfaction of the draft.
3. The final deliverable is the final 7,500-word minimum, single-spaced report with accompanying references, figures, and tables. For this deliverable, you will submit two copies of your report.
- 1. A digital copy of the report is due on Blackboard on the date listed in the course schedule.
- 2. A digital copy of the report is due to the company on the date listed in the course schedule.
Project timeline
January 31, 2023Experience start
February 3, 2023Contact your company through Riipen
February 10, 2023Consulting Company Report Contract - submitted to Firm and on Bb
March 8, 2023In-Progress Draft - 4,000 word minimum submitted to Firm and on Bb
April 17, 2023Presentations to Companies - submitted to Firm and on Bb
April 28, 2023Final Report of Company, PowerPoint used for company presentation (previous deliverable)
April 28, 2023Experience end
January 31, 2023Experience start
February 3, 2023Contact your company through Riipen
Last day to introduce yourselves to your companies and begin planning the project.
February 10, 2023Consulting Company Report Contract - submitted to Firm and on Bb
Before beginning your research, you will need to get approval for your plan of action. You will create a draft of a contract outlining your course of action, why you chose to proceed in such a way, and your plans for completing the assignment.
March 8, 2023In-Progress Draft - 4,000 word minimum submitted to Firm and on Bb
Incorporate research & summary actions gathered to this point. Grade depends upon: (1) accurate incorporation of concepts applied to firm, (2) detail of implementing concepts toward discovering issues, creating strategies, & implementing tactics, & (3) client’s satisfaction of the draft.
April 17, 2023Presentations to Companies - submitted to Firm and on Bb
Date and time decided by company during week of April 16, 2023. The presentation will be 23-25 minutes, and it will focus on deep development of a decision‐making process in order to create a strategic plan for the organization. Must apply relevant concepts/models learned throughout the course.
April 28, 2023Final Report of Company, PowerPoint used for company presentation (previous deliverable)
Final 7,500-word minimum report w/ references, figures, & tables submitted to company. Evaluation criteria: Logical flow & discussion of ideas, integration of theory, clarity of presentation, overall quality of the report, and client evaluation of results. In addition: PPT used for presentation.
April 28, 2023Experience end
Project Examples
Students will help you devise strategic responses for succeeding in the face of changing external conditions, such as macroeconomic changes, changes in customer behavior, and the advent of new competitors.
Students will cover the following:
Industry/external analysis: examining your firm within the context of its industry Firm/internal analysis: assessing your firm's resources, capabilities, and core competencies Issue identification: finding two-three challenges facing your firm that need to be solved. Strategy formulation and recommendation: long-term strategic solutions based on the challenges identified Strategy implementation/tactics: plans for how to implement the recommendations
Some other things students can cover include:
- Your firm's corporate-level strategy.
- Your firm's merger/acquisition strategies.
- Your firm's international strategy.
- The agency relationship that exists with your firm.
Projects worked on in the past:
- Branding of the products and message.
- Build and introduce the early prototype into the test market.
- Create brand awareness.
- Determine the factors that will enhance or detract from target market adoption of the new product (behavioral economics angle).
- Development of a full marketing plan for our products and services.
- Discovery and determining the methods of introducing a novel concept that it is possible to improve cognition by controlling one's own brain.
- How can we update our branding and media to differentiate ourselves from other charities and appeal to new demographics?
- How do our donors perceive our brand? We need an analysis of our current marketing techniques to understand where we fall short in communicating with current and potential donors. We want to develop clarity about the advantage and impact of our mission and optimize our marketing strategy.
- How do we establish our brand: Build awareness, acquire customers, and defend any early success?
- Identify and establish communication with early test subjects.
- Identify key messaging via customer focus groups and investigate the competitive landscape.
- Identify primary market segments and develop buyer personas.
- Improve online communications.
- Market research to determine the need for our products, key competitors, effective pricing strategies, and what industries have the greatest needs for our products.
- Outline of a sales strategy and list of best potential sales targets.
- Understand consumer's decision journey from identifying cognitive performance and mental wellness need(s) to buying a subscription for our product.
- What does our data tell us about our donor base? How do we use this information to effectively communicate with them?
- Where in the world is the best place to launch for early success? Should we just default to launching where we live? What is the total market size for this opportunity?
- Who are our closest competitors and how do we differentiate ourselves?
- With whom should we partner on manufacturing, kitting, packaging, warehousing, and fulfillment? How complex is that and how much will it cost, realistically?
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
January 31, 2023Experience start
February 3, 2023Contact your company through Riipen
February 10, 2023Consulting Company Report Contract - submitted to Firm and on Bb
March 8, 2023In-Progress Draft - 4,000 word minimum submitted to Firm and on Bb
April 17, 2023Presentations to Companies - submitted to Firm and on Bb
April 28, 2023Final Report of Company, PowerPoint used for company presentation (previous deliverable)
April 28, 2023Experience end
January 31, 2023Experience start
February 3, 2023Contact your company through Riipen
Last day to introduce yourselves to your companies and begin planning the project.
February 10, 2023Consulting Company Report Contract - submitted to Firm and on Bb
Before beginning your research, you will need to get approval for your plan of action. You will create a draft of a contract outlining your course of action, why you chose to proceed in such a way, and your plans for completing the assignment.
March 8, 2023In-Progress Draft - 4,000 word minimum submitted to Firm and on Bb
Incorporate research & summary actions gathered to this point. Grade depends upon: (1) accurate incorporation of concepts applied to firm, (2) detail of implementing concepts toward discovering issues, creating strategies, & implementing tactics, & (3) client’s satisfaction of the draft.
April 17, 2023Presentations to Companies - submitted to Firm and on Bb
Date and time decided by company during week of April 16, 2023. The presentation will be 23-25 minutes, and it will focus on deep development of a decision‐making process in order to create a strategic plan for the organization. Must apply relevant concepts/models learned throughout the course.
April 28, 2023Final Report of Company, PowerPoint used for company presentation (previous deliverable)
Final 7,500-word minimum report w/ references, figures, & tables submitted to company. Evaluation criteria: Logical flow & discussion of ideas, integration of theory, clarity of presentation, overall quality of the report, and client evaluation of results. In addition: PPT used for presentation.
April 28, 2023Experience end