Financial Analysis & Report

ACCT 4850
Douglas College
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
  • May 12, 2018
    Experience start
  • May 20, 2018
    Project Scope Meeting
  • June 17, 2018
    Midway Check In
  • July 22, 2018
    Experience end
3 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Large enterprise, Small to medium enterprise
Agriculture, Insurance, Apparel & fashion, Energy, Banking & finance, It & computing, Construction, engineering & trades, Mining, forestry & fishery

Experience scope

financial reporting financial statement analysis comparative analysis
Learner goals and capabilities

Ever wondered if your organization's disclosure of public information has positive or negative effects? A group of students are looking to hone their research and financial analysis skills. Get information pertinent to your organization and how you could be making changes to better your organization.


Any level
30 learners
30 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 3
Expected outcomes and deliverables

The final project deliverables for this assignment are:

  • A digital presentation analyzing the movement of the company's share price with financial reports/information releases during the year.
  • Recommendations provided to the Company on disclosure improvements for their financial reports and information on their website. (1-2 page pages summarizing recommendations referencing a report)

Project timeline
  • May 12, 2018
    Experience start
  • May 20, 2018
    Project Scope Meeting
  • June 17, 2018
    Midway Check In
  • July 22, 2018
    Experience end

Project Examples


Students in this accounting class will analyze the share price of a company to observe and analyze how financial statements, MD&A and information effects movements in share price throughout the year. The students will also compare the financial reports to other companies' reports in the industry and provide recommendations to the company of where improvements can be made in their disclosure documents.

Some benefits of this project include:

  • Acquiring knowledge for potential investors
  • Gaining a better understanding of information flow to the public

Project Ideas

We are happy to work with your organization to come up with a great student project that will be useful to your organization. Some ideas we have for projects are:

  • Analyzing your competitors to understand where you stand in the market and how you can improve your public information.
  • Reviewing your Financial Statements and Annual Report and offering suggestions on improvements.
  • Analyzing share price movement with information releases to understand how investors are interpreting information.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox