B2B Sales Management Consultancy

MARK 4410
Douglas College
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
  • May 25, 2020
    Experience start
  • May 26, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • June 23, 2020
    Midway Check In
  • August 4, 2020
    Experience end
3 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
British Columbia, Canada
Startup, Large enterprise, Small to medium enterprise, Sole proprietorship, Social Enterprise, Family-Owned, Incubator
Business & management

Experience scope

Sales strategy
human resources sales management sales strategy sales planning
Learner goals and capabilities

A group of 4-6 student-consultants will conduct an empirical analysis of your current sales systems and provide actionable recommendations to improve or scale your organization's current sales plan. 


Any level
35 learners
40 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 4
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Phase 1 – Project Plan: Students will meet with organization representative(s) to devise the project scope and prepare a detailed plan for completion of the project.

Phase 2 – Project Execution: Students will work on deliverables outlined in the project plan. Teams will periodically communicate with organization representative(s) as needed to complete project tasks.

Phase 3 - Outcome - Report and Presentation: Students will submit a a professional sales management plan of less than 25-pages. Students will also present a 7 to 10-minute summary of their plan, which organization representative(s) are invited to attend, and will include a Q&A period.

Project timeline
  • May 25, 2020
    Experience start
  • May 26, 2020
    Project Scope Meeting
  • June 23, 2020
    Midway Check In
  • August 4, 2020
    Experience end

Project Examples


Starting this May, student-consultants in groups of 4-6 will spend 160+ hours per team working to improve your organization's sales systems.

Student-consultants will conduct an empirical analysis of your current sales processes and systems, evaluating them for efficiency and improvement opportunities. Based on their findings, they will provide actionable recommendations for improving or scaling your organization's existing sales force plan. 

Project scopes may include, but are not limited to:

  • An audit of the existing sales strategy.
  • Developing a two-year sales plan.
  • Developing budgets and forecasts.
  • Outlining the approach to coordinating with internal departments.
  • Workforce planning for your sales team.
  • Researching and identifying effective sales tools for your needs.
  • Suggested tactics for reaching your sales targets.
  • Developing a recruitment plan with competitive compensation packages.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox