Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

Douglas College
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Kimberly Jang
  • September 22, 2021
    Experience start
  • September 30, 2021
    Client/Student Meet & Greet
  • September 30, 2021
    Client/Student Meet & Greet
  • December 6, 2021
    Students present to Client
  • December 7, 2021
    Students present to Client
  • December 9, 2021
    Experience end
1/1 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Startup, Social Enterprise, Non profit, Family-Owned
Any industries

Experience scope

Marketing strategy
marketing campaign marketing and communications marketing strategy integrated marketing communications promotional strategy
Learner goals and capabilities

Student teams will create an Integrated Marketing Communications (Promotional) Plan for an organization. These plans contain a combination of the following types of marketing communications or promotional tactics as part of an overall campaign:

  • Advertising
  • Direct Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sales Promotions
  • Experiential / Event Marketing
  • Public Relations activities
  • Personal Selling

Each student team will form a "promotional/marketing communication agency", and work towards answering a RFP (Request for Proposal), which focuses on marketing communication or promotional challenge(s) provided by the organization. At the end of the semester, they will pitch their ideas in presentation form (and the organization will also receive a written report from each team).

Ideal organizations:

  1. Are seeking promotional/marketing communications ideas
  2. Are interested in collecting ideas and insights from novice/intermediate marketing students
  3. Want inspiration for promotional/marketing communication campaigns


Any level
35 learners
35 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 6
Expected outcomes and deliverables

One organization will be selected as the "featured organization" for the class. This means that the featured organization will receive the output from 5 to 7 student teams. This means the featured organization will collect a range of marketing ideas from the 5 to 7 teams. Each team will be tasked with completing the following:

  • An 8 page written report outlining a marketing communications campaign that includes:
  1. Objectives
  2. Strategy
  3. Tactics
  4. Implementation (Timing, Budget, Next Steps, Proposed Measurement)
  • A 10-minute pitch presentation with a 5-minute Q&A.

Students enrolled in this course:

  • At minimum, have successfully completed an introductory marketing course
  • Are usually about midway through their studies
  • May be enrolled in a Marketing certificate, diploma, or degree program
  • Are either domestic or international students
  • Usually create a range of marketing ideas (some more feasible/realistic than others)
Project timeline
  • September 22, 2021
    Experience start
  • September 30, 2021
    Client/Student Meet & Greet
  • September 30, 2021
    Client/Student Meet & Greet
  • December 6, 2021
    Students present to Client
  • December 7, 2021
    Students present to Client
  • December 9, 2021
    Experience end

Project Examples


Students will prepare an integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan for your organization, which will be focused on pitching a marketing communications campaign (i.e., promotional tactics, activations, or ideas) to answer your provided RFP.

Examples of student work in an IMC plan:

  • Creating an integrated marketing campaign for a new product or service, with digital marketing ideas, advertising ideas, and experiential marketing ideas.
  • Creating a rebranding campaign for an existing product.
  • Creating an offline (e.g., direct mailer) and online promotional campaign (e.g., online contest) to complement existing marketing communications.

Project outcomes will be developed considering the focus areas the organization provides in their RFP.

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox