McGill University
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Community Analytics Consulting

May 20, 2025 - Jul 12, 2025

Students from diverse backgrounds will take an in-depth view into the Partner’s business process surrounding analytics problems and provide viable solutions to tackle them. Students will work on this as a part of this course and will not be considered employees or interns for your organization.

Admin Julia Ayim
Matches 0
Category Databases + 4
Open Closing on May 1, 2025

Human Resources Management ORGB423 Fall 2025


Sep 5, 2025 - Nov 29, 2025

Students in the BCom program complete this course in their second or third year at McGill. Students come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Business Analytics, Marketing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Strategic Management and Sustainability. Students outside of the BCom program or exchange students may also take this course as an elective, adding to the diversity of our class. Some students have completed internships in human resources and/or in other management fields.   This is a great opportunity to work with leaders of tomorrow, foster a relationship with McGill, as well as start a talent pipeline for your organization. You may get inspiration and some fresh ideas from the students.

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 2
Category Employee retention + 4
Open Closing on September 2, 2025

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, Winter 2025


Jan 29, 2025 - Apr 17, 2025

Students in the BCom program complete this course in their second or third year at McGill. Students come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including Strategic Management, Business Analytics, Marketing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior, Finance and HR, and Sustainability. Some have completed internships in these fields.  

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 6
Category Product or service launch

Strategic Management MCGR 423

MCGR 423

Oct 3, 2024 - Dec 4, 2024

Students will de-construct a complex business situation, identify the key issues and problems facing the organization in question, propose alternative courses of action, recognize the trade-offs involved in these alternatives, and make concrete recommendations backed by solid reasoning. Companies will have the chance to work and meet with tomorrow's leaders at a prestigious university institution. They may also obtain strategic advice and research analyses from eager young adults at no cost.

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 5
Category Competitive analysis + 2

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship


Sep 20, 2024 - Dec 4, 2024

Students in the BCom program complete this course in their second or third year at McGill. Students come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including Strategic Management, Business Analytics, Marketing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior, Finance and HR, and Sustainability. Some have completed internships in these fields.  

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 6
Category Product or service launch

MBA Real-Time Decisions class


Jan 4, 2025 - Apr 22, 2025

Students complete this course in the first year of the MBA program. They come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including Consulting, HR, Strategic Management, Marketing, Operations Management, Engineering and more. Most students have 5 years of work experience and can produce tangible outputs. 

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 3
Category Competitive analysis + 4

ACCT451 – Data Analytics in Capital Markets

Feb 2, 2025 - Apr 26, 2025

Student groups employ statistical methods to analyze quantitative and qualitative financial data, including bank communications, financial news, and bankruptcy reports. Students then draw conclusions about real-world financial implications, such as factors that increase financial risk and how news media might impact market dynamics.

Admin Julia Ayim
Matches 5
Category Competitive analysis + 2

Cross Cultural Management


Sep 25, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024

Students in the BCom program complete this course in their second or third year at McGill. Students come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including International Business, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Business Analytics, Marketing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Strategic Management and Sustainability. Students outside of the BCom program or exchange students may also take this course as an elective, adding to the diversity of our class. 

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 1
Category Employee retention + 4

Human Resources Management ORGB423


Sep 10, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024

Students in the BCom program complete this course in their second or third year at McGill. Students come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Business Analytics, Marketing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Strategic Management and Sustainability. Students outside of the BCom program or exchange students may also take this course as an elective, adding to the diversity of our class. Some students have completed internships in human resources and/or in other management fields.   This is a great opportunity to work with leaders of tomorrow, foster a relationship with McGill, as well as start a talent pipeline for your organization. You may get inspiration and some fresh ideas from the students.

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 2
Category Employee retention + 4

Cross Cultural Management - MBA


Jul 11, 2024 - Aug 22, 2024

Students complete this course in the MBA program. They come from diverse backgrounds, including consulting, HR, strategic management, marketing, operations management, engineering, and more. Most students have 5 years of work experience and can produce tangible outputs. Your organization may use the materials and ideas derived from their work.

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 1
Category Employee retention + 4

Analytics Solution Consulting Projects - For Corporate Organizations

Sep 20, 2024 - May 1, 2025

Masters of Analytics students, with the support of McGill University, are offering their analytic expertise to help professionals in various Corporate-based Organizations through our Practicuum course called “Analytics & Solution Consulting” . A central component of this project is for organizations to leverage Masters students' skills in Advanced Analytics and Data Science to drive different utilizations of data and analytic techniques within your organizations so that you can have a greater on your company's goals. Our students can deliver new data and analytics-based solutions that could help you navigate and adapt to our new increasingly digital reality. Organizations that qualify include: -Enterprise-sized organizations in any industry (preferred >500 employees) You can have anywhere from 4-6 students for your project, and each student dedicates 200hrs towards a tangible Quantitative/Technological solution development. This is a $0-Fee engagement.

Admin Julia Ayim
Matches 0
Category Information technology + 4

Community Analytics Consulting

May 1, 2024 - Jul 1, 2024

Students from diverse backgrounds will take an in-depth view into the Partner’s business process surrounding analytics problems and provide viable solutions to tackle them.

Admin Julia Ayim
Matches 2
Category Databases + 4


May 13, 2024 - May 18, 2024

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on McGill University students to work on a project and help understand your company's challenges, research solutions, and deliver their findings to you. Each student will work on a given project for 12 hours maximum, connecting with you as needed online.

Admin Amelia Slone
Matches 0
Category Social media marketing + 4

Strategic Management MCGR 423


Feb 14, 2024 - Apr 12, 2024

Students will de-construct a complex business situation, identify the key issues and problems facing the organization in question, propose alternative courses of action, recognize the trade-offs involved in these alternatives, and make concrete recommendations backed by solid reasoning. Companies will have the chance to work and meet with tomorrow's leaders at a prestigious university institution. They may also obtain strategic advice and research analyses from eager young adults at no cost. You may be asked to meet with student representatives of two different student teams from two different sections of the class. In this case it does not add to your workload or the time commitment. 

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 3
Category Communications + 4

MBA Real-Time Decisions class


Jan 8, 2024 - Apr 9, 2024

Students complete this course in the first year of the MBA program. They come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including Consulting, HR, Strategic Management, Marketing, Operations Management, Engineering and more. Most students have 5 years of work experience and can produce tangible outputs. 

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 4

Human Resources Management ORGB423


Feb 5, 2024 - Apr 15, 2024

Students in the BCom program complete this course in their second or third year at McGill. Students come from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of concentrations including Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Business Analytics, Marketing, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Strategic Management and Sustainability. Students outside of the BCom program or exchange students may also take this course as an elective, adding to the diversity of our class. Some students have completed internships in human resources and/or in other management fields.   This is a great opportunity to work with leaders of tomorrow, foster a relationship with McGill, as well as start a talent pipeline for your organization. You may get inspiration and some fresh ideas from the students.

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 1
Category Employee retention + 4

Strategic Management MCGR 423

MCGR 423

Oct 2, 2023 - Nov 20, 2023

Students will de-construct a complex business situation, identify the key issues and problems facing the organization in question, propose alternative courses of action, recognize the trade-offs involved in these alternatives, and make concrete recommendations backed by solid reasoning. Companies will have the chance to work and meet with tomorrow's leaders at a prestigious university institution. They may also obtain strategic advice and research analyses from eager young adults at no cost.

Admin Julia Ayim
Matches 3
Category Competitive analysis + 2

Data Analysis and Visualization

INSY 442

Feb 1, 2024 - Apr 10, 2024

This course is heavily based on hands-on activities, providing students with practice implementing data visualization techniques and tools. The focus is on techniques and tools that can be used by individuals in your organization to gain insight into complex business problems. The techniques that will be used are data analysis in MS Excel, data preparation and visualization as well as dashboards in Tableau and Power BI.  Learning Objectives    Recognize and solve business problems that can be supported with BI & BA tools   Develop models that aid in decision-making using Excel   Get familiar with good practices for data visualization and dashboards   Develop data visualization and dashboards in Tableau and Power BI  

Admin Julia Ayim
Matches 1
Category Databases + 2

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

MGPO 438

Apr 30, 2023 - Jun 16, 2023

In search of new solutions, a growing number of social entrepreneurs are developing novel strategies to achieve social impact. Bring on students from McGill University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this course are tasked with designing a product or idea that solves a problem or fills a gap in the market. The design of the product or idea must fit within one of the 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. We are looking for organizations with a social mission, where students can use the concepts learned in class to create possible solutions to a common problem.

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 2
Category Community engagement + 4

Analytics Solution Development - For Social Organizations


Apr 30, 2023 - Aug 1, 2023

McGill University Masters of Analytics students are offering zero-fee analytic expertise to help professionals in various Community-based Organizations through a new initiative called “MMA Gives” to leverage Masters students' skills in Data Science to drive different utilizations of data and analytic techniques within your organizations, so that you can have a greater an impact on Society. Our students can deliver new data and analytics-based solutions that could help you navigate and adapt to our new reality. Organizations that qualify include: -NGOs/ Learning or Research institutions/ Startups/ SMEs (<100 employees)/ Groups severely impacted by pandemic. You can get up to 4 students assigned. Overview and skills: please visit the interactive presentation Examples of past work: please click on a Featured Project from the list. Register for an Online Info Session to meet with us and learn more.

Admin Shoeb Hosain
Matches 0
Category Information technology + 4

Strategic Management MCGR 423


Jan 26, 2023 - Apr 7, 2023

Students will de-construct a complex business situation, identify the key issues and problems facing the organization in question, propose alternative courses of action, recognize the trade-offs involved in these alternatives, and make concrete recommendations backed by solid reasoning. Companies will have the chance to work and meet with tomorrow's leaders at a prestigious university institution. They may also obtain strategic advice and research analyses from eager young adults at no cost.

Admin Zihan Cai
Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 1

Data Analysis and Visualization

INSY 442

Feb 7, 2023 - Apr 15, 2023

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from McGill University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program will learn to develop an understanding of the vast amount of data that is available to organizations, and they will be taught the skills to access, prepare, analyze and visualize this data to support decision-making, solve business problems, and remain competitive. The focus of this program is on techniques and tools to visualize data and create dashboards that can be used be used by individuals in an organization to gain insight into complex business problems. The main techniques that will be used are data visualization (including dashboards) using Tableau or Power BI.

Admin Genevieve Bassellier
Matches 2
Category Data visualization + 1

McGill Micro-Experience


May 16, 2022 - May 21, 2022

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on McGill University students to work on a project and help understand your company's challenges, research solutions, and deliver their findings to you in a fully supported setting. Each student will work on a given project for 8-10 hours, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.

Admin Karla Perez
Matches 22
Category Social media marketing + 4

McGill Micro-Experience


May 2, 2022 - May 7, 2022

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on McGill University students to work on a project and help understand your company's challenges, research solutions, and deliver their findings to you in a fully supported setting. Each student will work on a given project for 8-10 hours, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.

Admin Karla Perez
Matches 8
Category Social media marketing + 4

Data Analysis and visualization

INSY 442

Jan 14, 2022 - Apr 7, 2022

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from McGill University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program will learn to develop an understanding of the vast amount of data that is available to organizations, and they will be taught the skills to access, prepare, analyze and visualize this data to support decision-making, solve business problems, and remain competitive. The focus of this program is on techniques and tools to visualize data and create dashboards that can be used be used by individuals in an organization to gain insight into complex business problems. The main techniques that will be used are data visualization (including dashboards) using Tableau.

Admin Genevieve Bassellier
Matches 1
Category Information technology + 1

Analytics Solution Development - For Social Organizations


May 16, 2022 - Aug 2, 2022

McGill University Masters of Analytics students are offering zero-fee analytic expertise to help professionals in various Community-based Organizations through a new initiative called “MMA Gives” to leverage Masters students' skills in Data Science to drive different utilizations of data and analytic techniques within your organizations, so that you can have a greater an impact on Society. Our students can deliver new data and analytics-based solutions that could help you navigate and adapt to our new reality. Organizations that qualify include: -NGOs/ Learning or Research institutions/ Startups/ SMEs (<100 employees)/ Groups severely impacted by pandemic. You can get up to 4 students assigned. Overview and skills: please visit the interactive presentation Examples of past work: please click on a Featured Project from the list. Register for an Online Info Session to meet with us and learn more.

Admin Shoeb Hosain
Matches 18
Category Information technology + 3

Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

INSY 442

Sep 30, 2021 - Dec 2, 2021

Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from McGill University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program will learn to develop an understanding of the vast amount of data that is available to organizations, and they will be taught the skills to access, prepare, analyze and visualize this data to support decision-making, solve business problems, and remain competitive. The focus of this program is on techniques and tools to visualize and perform some data analytics that can be used be used by individuals in an organization to gain insight into complex business problems. The main techniques that will be used are data visualization (including dashboards) and data analytics, using Tableau and Power BI.

Admin Genevieve Bassellier
Matches 6
Category Information technology + 1

Analytics Solution Consulting Projects - For Corporate Organizations


Sep 30, 2021 - Apr 30, 2022

Masters of Analytics students, with the support of McGill University, are offering their analytic expertise to help professionals in various Corporate-based Organizations through our Practicuum course called “Analytics & Solution Consulting” . A central component of this project is for organizations to leverage Masters students' skills in Advanced Analytics and Data Science to drive different utilizations of data and analytic techniques within your organizations so that you can have a greater on your company's goals. Our students can deliver new data and analytics-based solutions that could help you navigate and adapt to our new increasingly digital reality. Organizations that qualify include: -Enterprise-sized organizations in any industry (preferred >500 employees) You can have anywhere from 4-6 students for your project, and each student dedicates 200hrs towards a tangible Quantitative/Technological solution development. This is a $0-Fee engagement.

Admin Shoeb Hosain
Matches 1
Category Information technology + 3

Analytics Solution Development - For Social Organizations


May 13, 2021 - Aug 2, 2021

Masters of Analytics students, with the support of McGill University, are offering their analytic expertise to help professionals in various Community-based Organizations through a new initiative called “MMA Gives” . A central component of this project is for organizations to leverage Masters students' skills in Data Science to drive different utilizations of data and analytic techniques within your organizations so that you can have a greater an impact on Society. Our students can deliver new data and analytics-based solutions that could help you navigate and adapt to our new reality. Organizations that qualify include: -NGOs/ Learning or Research institutions/ Startups/ SMEs (<100 employees)/ Groups severely impacted by pandemic You can have anywhere from 1-4 students for your project, and each student dedicates 100hrs towards a tangible Quantitative/Technological solution development. This is a $0-Fee engagement.

Admin Shoeb Hosain
Matches 5
Category Information technology + 3

Master of Education Field Work

EDPI 539 & 656

Oct 1, 2020 - Dec 18, 2020

Students in our Master of Education programs are seeking dynamic projects/internships working with diverse populations (e.g., children/students from kindergarten – grade 12, people with disabilities, senior citizens). Students can work directly with these populations in a school or other community organization that focuses on education in some capacity. Students can also work on projects or create programs that will impact the focus population, as long as there is an educational component. Only looking for unpaid opportunities. Students need 150 hours total during the Fall 2020 semester. A full-time option spans the Fall and Winter semesters where 300 hours would be required. Supervisors should be willing to sign a form confirming the placement as well as bi-weekly timesheets which will be submitted to the instructor. Supervisors should be willing to fill out and sign an evaluation form upon completion of 150 hours. All opportunities need to be remote due to the global pandemic.

Admin Tara Flanagan
Matches 3
Category Social sciences + 1