- Companies
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Project feedback

Project feedback

Recent projects

Optimization methods for agriculture insurance
This project is an application of mathematical modelling and optimization to a livestock insurance problem. The goal is to analyze various scenarios from a farmer’s perspective and to minimize the loss. The main idea is to design and implement in Python a numerical simulation, including various scenarios in terms of the farm size and insurance premiums.

Numerical analysis with Python (part 3 of 3)
The student will write and test Python code for the labs for Numerical Analysis

Level Up Influence of COVID pandemic on the stock market Part I
Develop the time series framework and study the evolution of the Amazon stock and the influence of the pandemic

Level UP-Analyzing factors impacting COVID-19 vaccination rates
positions available: 3 This analysis used COVID-19 vaccination data, and country indicators from the World Bank to 1. Determine indicators that are associated with vaccination rate 2. Create indices to measure the Vaccine Utilization and Vaccination Motivation per country 3. Apply Decision trees and Pearson correlations to determine relationships with country indicators and these indices