Pradumn Kumar
Learner - He
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Mobile App Development for SAFE SPACE SOCIAL MEDIA APP

We are INPOWER. Let's break it down to make sense since there's nothing quite like it. We're a new social media app (for women and those who identify as non-binary) You could compare us to if Facebook Groups, Instagram, and Etsy made a baby The mission is simple: our transactions are with respect and kindness InPower is set to make the first safe space social media platform ever existing. Our volunteers, behavioural psychologists and members understand that cyberbullying comes from people not having SOCIALLY INTELLIGENT SKILLS (or any unhealthy communication skills for that matter). Yep, it all roots back to our experiences and environment growing up. Social media has given these people no filter to tear others down with no online etiquette or consequences since they can make multiple accounts after being banned hundreds of times. We decided to create a truly independent network after having an online support group with over 30 thousand members all pledging to be supportive and kind to one another by preaching healthy communication. With all of the support, we know we can do it on a mass scale. So how do we do it? Before a member can join specific groups, they need to acquire "badges". These are done by short educational videos or short articles with questions, teaching basic social intelligent skills. These members have these on their profile as a "badge of honour," meaning if they are showing anything other than these skills, that badge will be removed and they'll need to go through more resources to gain it back. Here's an example - if a member wants to join a high-risk group that is political or where many have strong views, they'll need to get their Conflict Resolution Badge. Our behavioural psychologists or researchers will create these educational modules for members to get. After that, there's really only ONE HEALTHY WAY to communicate so our mission is met through our members with respect and kindness. If that member struggles to use that skill, that badge will be taken away, all those groups that require that badge will be removed from their account and they will have to go through a second part of educational modules to strengthen that skill if they are serious about being in a group like that. Yeah, there is a bit of a vetting process, but those who are serious about growing and making meaningful connections are who we are looking for. We have a lot more features that we need to add so we would like to collaborate with students to create our InPower 2.0 version. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our platform, products and services. Familiarizing themselves with the features we would like to re-implement in the adapted version. Recreating features for our 2.0 version. Recommending ways to minimize the challenges of app porting. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Testing the new app.

Matches 5
Category Mobile app development + 3