Tara Flanagan
Tara Flanagan
Associate Professor & Program Director
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

My Research Team, SPARC (Social Policy, Advocacy, Research, Community), is comprised of graduate students from diverse backgrounds and with an array of strengths and interests. Team members include students from Human Development and Law programs, a fellow at the McGill Institute of Health and Social Policy, teachers, practitioners, and students with disabilities. SPARC's mandate is to promote social inclusion among individuals with disabilities by emphasizing self-determination, community, and a shared responsibility for successful outcomes. My main scholarly interests and research grants are in the areas of social inclusion, social policy, transition from school to the community, self-determination, and quality of life among individuals with various types of disabilities and among other equity-seeking groups.

Leadership Organizational structure Education Social sciences


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PhD, Educational and Counselling Psychology
McGill University
September 2003 - May 2008